Monday, 16 November 2020

Azure Functions for .NET- VS Code

 Install dependencies 

Before you can get started, you should install Visual Studio Code. You should also install Node.JS which includes npm, which is how you will obtain the Azure Functions Core Tools. If you prefer not to install Node, see the other installation options in our Core Tools reference. 

Run the following command to install the Core Tools package: 

npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools 

The Core Tools make use of .NET Core 2.1, so you should install that, too. 

Next, install the Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code. Once the extension is installed, click on the Azure logo in the Activity Bar. Under Azure: Functions, click Sign in to Azure... and follow the on-screen instructions. 


Create an Azure Functions project 

Click the Create New Project… icon in the Azure: Functions panel. 

You will be prompted to choose a directory for your app. Choose an empty directory. 

You will then be prompted to select a language for your project. Choose dotnet. 


Create a function 

Click the Create Function… icon in the Azure: Functions panel. 

You will be prompted to choose a template for your function. We recommend HTTP trigger for getting started. 


Run your function project locally 

Press F5 to run your function app. 

The runtime will output a URL for any HTTP functions, which can be copied and run in your browser's address bar. 

To stop debugging, press Shift + F5. 


Deploy your code to Azure 

Click the Deploy to Function App… (blue up arrow) icon in the Azure: Functions panel. 

When prompted to select a function app, choose {  }App 

Azure AD app via Graph API

 Using an Azure AD app via Graph API - Access SharePoint Data using Postman 

Step-1 : Register an app in Azure AD  

  • Go to ADD in azure portal  

  • Navigate to App registrations --> New Registration --> Provided the proper name --> Create. 

  • Open the created new App  --> go to Certificates & secrets section --> create a new client Secret and save the Value  



  • Open the create new app again --> go to API permissions --> set the permission  



  • Finally copy the Directory (tenant) ID & Application (client) ID for overview 


Step-2: Postman to generate the token using POST request 

  • Create an environment variables. 

Variable        Initial Value 


  application id copied earlier 


  key copied earlier 


 Id of the Azure Active Directory 


  • Access Token Request 

Now that the environment is set up, it’s time to send a POST request to get the token. Create a new request in Postman, name it as “Get Access Token For Graph” and change it’s request type to “POST”. 

The URL will be 

{{directoryId}} is an environment variable. So when we send the request {{directoryId}} will be replaced with the value we specified earlier. 

Click on the “Body” tab of the request and add the following Key Value pairs 


KEY        VALUE 









Now click on “Tests” tab in the request and add the following javascript. 


var json = JSON.parse(responseBody); 

postman.setEnvironmentVariable("azureApp_bearerToken", json.access_token); 


This code runs after the request is made. It extracts the “access token” from the response, creates an environment variable called “azureApp_bearerToken” and assigns it’s value to the retrieved access token. 

This should have created a variable called “azureApp_bearerToken” in the environment and assigned the value of it to the retrieved token 


Step-4 : Postman Get query with Site ID, List ID and access token 


Now that we have the site id and list id, let’s create a couple more postman environment variables to store those. 

Variable        Initial Value 


 the site id obtained from graph 


  List    the list id obtained from graph 


We are now ready to make the request to get the list items. To do that create a new GET request in Postman with the name “Get List Items Using Graph”. The URL will be 


This should return all the items in the list with their title. 

To specify the access token for the request, click on the “Headers” tab and add the following 


KEY        VALUE 


   Bearer {{azureApp_bearerToken}}